Argosy Two Light.
One is Stop Tail and Turn
and the other is a back up.
I'm not 100% sure what years these 4.25 Monarch
were used but they do go hand in hand with the
same years for Airstream units.
If your lens measures 4.25 inches, then we have
and LED upgrade that will work on your Argosy unit.
Click here to see this LED kit in our web-store.
We do sell the Red Stop Tail &Turn
by itself.
Click here to see this light in our web-store
Also, be aware that if your lens have some age on them
they may be brittle. We do stock them.
Click here to see this Lens on our web-store.
Click here to see this Lens on our web-store.
You will notice in this picture below that the frame is
broken. This has always been a problem.
Here is another style that has the same problem.
If yours is not to bad you may be able to use some
plastic filler to repair it.
If it is broken up real bad you
can take the whole light panel off (below)
and attach tail light
assembly directly to the body. Pictured below
Pictures (Above & Below)provided by a Guy named
Click here to see the Airforums Post.
We have a similar tail light
in LED form.
It curves to conform to the round body.
If you go this route then you will need to cut holes is the
RV body as this light is flush mount design.
This will need to be sealed to keep water out.
Click here to see this light on our web-store
Some of these pictures were
of Airfourms users ArgosyRover and LOREN SILVA
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